Please contact our Office Manager
for any further information regarding these activities
Community Cafe
Every Wednesday, 10.00 am - 12 noon
Come in and join us to relax and chat.
We also have a Bring/Buy/Borrow
selection of books that may interest you.
All are welcome and we look forward to seeing you.
Mid-week Communion & Lunch
Every 3rd Wednesday at 12 noon
Hosted by one of our regular leaders
and followed by a fixed-menu freewill lunch.
All are welcome.
(please check for date of next meeting)
Pre-School Group
Although not a "full-blown" church group
we are very close
to those involved and
support them in their valuable
For fuller information, please click HERE
Music Group
We enjoy the support of our music group,
largely during times of worship but at other times as well.
They are all very competent instrumentalists
and add much to our worship times and on other occasions.
Please let us know if you would like to be involved
and you will receive a very warm welcome.